Following the resignation of Councilor Amos Mataboge as Single Whip of Council, in the latter part of 2019, the Rustenburg Local Council during a Special Council Meeting held on the 17th January 2020, duly elected Councilor Levy Mokwele as the Single Whip of Council, replacing Councilor Amos Matoboge.
Councilor Mokwele’s appointment was lauded by the Executive Mayor, Councilor Mpho Khunou who said the move sought to strengthen the optimal functioning of Council “Given the period within which we find ourselves, being the penultimate year before Council is dissolved, it was critical that we move with the necessary speed to ensure that the vacancy is filled and that the Councilor entrusted with the responsibility ensures that Council functions are carried out and that Councilors conduct demonstrates the collective commitment to serving the people of Rustenburg” Mayor Khunou emphasized.
The elected Single Whip says his hope is that Councilors will cooperate with him as they did with his predecessor “nothing changes really, because in the main, I am an elected public representative and as such my allegiance and commitment is with the 45 wards of our City. Our people have entrusted us with the responsibility to bring about developmental objectives in line with the approved IDP (integrated development plan) where they live. Therefore, my interest is to ensure that Councilors perform their duties in a responsible manner and that all of the decisions that are taken are implemented. But more importantly we need to have people who are able to account and ensure that there is no excuse for serviced delivery” Councilor Mokwele said.
The Single Whip’s term will be until the end of the current term of Council next year, prior to the Municipal elections.