The Rustenburg Local Municipality would like to notify consumers that it has procured the services of 5 (five) debt collection agencies to assist with the management of the ever-increasing debtors book.
In terms of Section 62 (1)(f)(iii) of the Municipal Finance Management Act
62. (1) The accounting officer of a municipality is responsible for managing the financial administration of the municipality, and must for this purpose take all reasonable stem to ensure
(f) and that the municipality has and implements
(iii) a credit control and debt collection policy referred to in section 96(b) of the Municipal Systems Act;
Section 96(b) of the Municipal Systems Act
Debt collection responsibility of municipalities
96. A municipality—
(a) must collect all money that is due and payable to it, subject to this Act and any other applicable legislation; and 35
(b) for this purpose, must adopt, maintain and implement a credit control and debt collection policy which is consistent with its rates and tariffs policies and complies with the provisions of this Act.
In line with the above mentions legislation, the municipality has resolved to outsource debt collection services and have subsequently appointed a panel of 5 (five) debt collection agencies namely Kunene-Ramapala Incorporated, RM Attorneys, Pisces Outsourcing, Madhlopa Attorneys and NMS Africa.
The residents of Rustenburg Local Musicality are hereby requested to take note of these Debt collectors. Should they contact anyone, or should anyone wish to contact them, they are reachable at the details below
Kunene-Ramapala Incorporated
087 813 2103
RM Attorneys
081 718 9979
Pisces Outsourcing
063 129 4352
Madhlopa Attorneys
060 701 2240
NMS Africa
0870600474 / 0719625956